03 June 2010


use ease:--

For /F %a in (list.txt) do addaptr.bat %a

list.txt sample input is





::  addaptr.bat
::  Purpose:         Add an A and PTR record using dnscmd.exe
::  Usage:           addaptr dnsserver fqdn ipadd
::                     dnsserver  DNS server's ip, hostname or "." if the
::                                DNS service is running on local machine
::                     fqdn       FQDN of the host you want the records
::                                to be added for (hostname.mydomain.com)
::                     ipadd      ip address of the host
:: __________________________________________________________________
@Echo Off

Set dnsserver=%1
Set fqdn=%2
Set ipadd=%3

If Not Defined ipadd (
  Echo Add an A and PTR record using dnscmd.exe
  Echo %~n0 dnsserver fqdn ipadd
  Echo   dnsserver  DNS server's ip address, hostname, or "." if the DNS
  Echo              service is running on local machine.
  Echo   fqdn       FQDN of the host you want the records to be added for
  Echo              ^(hostname.mydomain.com^)
  Echo   ipadd      ip address of the host
  Goto End

For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims=." %%A In ("%fqdn%") Do (
  Set hostname=%%A
  Set fzone=%%B
For /F "Tokens=1-4 Delims=." %%A In ("%ipadd%") Do (
  Set rzone=%%C.%%B.%%A.in-addr.arpa
  Set okt4=%%D

:: Add PTR record
DnsCmd %dnsserver% /RecordAdd %rzone% %okt4% PTR %fqdn%

:: Add A record
DnsCmd %dnsserver% /RecordAdd %fzone% %hostname% A %ipadd%
Echo Done.
Goto End

Type %TEMP%.\%~n0.log

If Exist %TEMP%.\%~n0.log Del %TEMP%.\%~n0.log


use ease:--

For /F %a in (list.txt) do addaptr.bat %a

list.txt sample input is





::  addaptr.bat
::  Purpose:         Add an A and PTR record using dnscmd.exe
::  Usage:           addaptr dnsserver fqdn ipadd
::                     dnsserver  DNS server's ip, hostname or "." if the
::                                DNS service is running on local machine
::                     fqdn       FQDN of the host you want the records
::                                to be added for (hostname.mydomain.com)
::                     ipadd      ip address of the host
:: __________________________________________________________________
@Echo Off

Set dnsserver=%1
Set fqdn=%2
Set ipadd=%3

If Not Defined ipadd (
  Echo Add an A and PTR record using dnscmd.exe
  Echo %~n0 dnsserver fqdn ipadd
  Echo   dnsserver  DNS server's ip address, hostname, or "." if the DNS
  Echo              service is running on local machine.
  Echo   fqdn       FQDN of the host you want the records to be added for
  Echo              ^(hostname.mydomain.com^)
  Echo   ipadd      ip address of the host
  Goto End

For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims=." %%A In ("%fqdn%") Do (
  Set hostname=%%A
  Set fzone=%%B
For /F "Tokens=1-4 Delims=." %%A In ("%ipadd%") Do (
  Set rzone=%%C.%%B.%%A.in-addr.arpa
  Set okt4=%%D

:: Add PTR record
DnsCmd %dnsserver% /RecordAdd %rzone% %okt4% PTR %fqdn%

:: Add A record
DnsCmd %dnsserver% /RecordAdd %fzone% %hostname% A %ipadd%
Echo Done.
Goto End

Type %TEMP%.\%~n0.log

If Exist %TEMP%.\%~n0.log Del %TEMP%.\%~n0.log

02 June 2010

FIND Collections and it’s Name in the console SQL Query

SELECT     Name, CollectionID
FROM         dbo.v_Collection

FIND Collections and it’s Name in the console SQL Query

SELECT     Name, CollectionID
FROM         dbo.v_Collection

Sample Prompt option for Collection

if (@__filterwildcard = '')
select v_Collection.CollectionID, v_Collection.Name from v_Collection order by v_Collection.Name
select v_Collection.CollectionID, v_Collection.Name from v_Collection
WHERE v_Collection.CollectionID like @__filterwildcard
order by v_Collection.Name

Sample Prompt option for Collection

if (@__filterwildcard = '')
select v_Collection.CollectionID, v_Collection.Name from v_Collection order by v_Collection.Name
select v_Collection.CollectionID, v_Collection.Name from v_Collection
WHERE v_Collection.CollectionID like @__filterwildcard
order by v_Collection.Name

01 June 2010

Hide IP

Key Features of Hide IP:

Protect you from any website that wants to monitor your reading interests and spy upon you through your unique IP address - your ID in the Internet
Avoid your personal information be used to send you spam and junk emails by many marketers and advertising agencies who having information about your interests and knowing your IP address as well as your email
Keeping your computer away from hacker attacks by hiding your IP address as well as information about your operation system
Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases privacy
Enable and disable Hide IP as your wish with a single click
Bypass the restrictions by some owners of Internet resources on users from certain countries or geographical regions
Post on bulletin boards without displaying your real IP address
Use with a web based mail service to send anonymous email
Great for monitoring your overseas search engine campaigns
Doesn't like oher services force you to pay a monthly fee for anonymous surfing. For a low one-time price, you can visit whatever web sites without anyone ever finding out
Works with Internet Explorer and Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003

Hide IP

Key Features of Hide IP:

Protect you from any website that wants to monitor your reading interests and spy upon you through your unique IP address - your ID in the Internet
Avoid your personal information be used to send you spam and junk emails by many marketers and advertising agencies who having information about your interests and knowing your IP address as well as your email
Keeping your computer away from hacker attacks by hiding your IP address as well as information about your operation system
Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases privacy
Enable and disable Hide IP as your wish with a single click
Bypass the restrictions by some owners of Internet resources on users from certain countries or geographical regions
Post on bulletin boards without displaying your real IP address
Use with a web based mail service to send anonymous email
Great for monitoring your overseas search engine campaigns
Doesn't like oher services force you to pay a monthly fee for anonymous surfing. For a low one-time price, you can visit whatever web sites without anyone ever finding out
Works with Internet Explorer and Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003

31 May 2010

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

There are many changes in how PCs have been configured (applets, hardware support, driver model, and so on), and a clean installation yields the highest quality. The User State Migration Tool provides support for moving files and settings, but you must reinstall applications. For a set of customers this tradeoff may seem less than perfect, but the upfront time is well worth it. For more information about this topic, read the blog Engineering Windows 7: Delivering a quality upgrade experience. For more information about how to migrate data from Windows XP to Windows 7, see Step-by-Step: Windows 7 Upgrade and Migration.



What specific changes are there in Windows 7 compared to Windows Vista that could affect application compatibility?

What specific changes are there in Windows 7 compared to Windows Vista that could affect application compatibility?

Compatibility between Windows Vista and Windows 7 is very high. There are relatively minor changes that affect application compatibility, including the following:

  • Operating system version   The internal version number for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is 6.1.
  • Removal of Windows gallery applications   Windows Mail, Messenger, Address Book, Photo Gallery, and Movie Maker are deprecated in Windows 7.
  • National Language Support changes   The National Language Support (NLS) functions help applications support the different language-specific and locale-specific needs of users. Windows 7 includes some NLS changes.
  • Internet Explorer 8 user agent string   The user agent string is the Internet Explorer® identifier that provides data about its version and other attributes to Web servers. Many Web applications rely on the Internet Explorer user agent string.
  • Removal of Windows registry reflection for 64-bit operating systems   The registry reflection process copies registry keys and values between two registry views to keep them in sync.
  • New low-level binaries   To improve engineering efficiencies, Microsoft has relocated some functionality to new low-level binaries.
  • File library replaces document folder   Libraries provide a centralized folder for file storage, search, and access across multiple locations, both local and remote.
  • User interface high DPI awareness   The goal is to encourage end users to set their displays to native resolution and to use DPI rather than screen resolution to change the size of text and images.
  • Internet Explorer 8 DEP/NX   Internet Explorer 8 enables DEP/NX protection when run on an OS with the latest service pack.

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

There are many changes in how PCs have been configured (applets, hardware support, driver model, and so on), and a clean installation yields the highest quality. The User State Migration Tool provides support for moving files and settings, but you must reinstall applications. For a set of customers this tradeoff may seem less than perfect, but the upfront time is well worth it. For more information about this topic, read the blog Engineering Windows 7: Delivering a quality upgrade experience. For more information about how to migrate data from Windows XP to Windows 7, see Step-by-Step: Windows 7 Upgrade and Migration.



What specific changes are there in Windows 7 compared to Windows Vista that could affect application compatibility?

What specific changes are there in Windows 7 compared to Windows Vista that could affect application compatibility?

Compatibility between Windows Vista and Windows 7 is very high. There are relatively minor changes that affect application compatibility, including the following:

  • Operating system version   The internal version number for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is 6.1.
  • Removal of Windows gallery applications   Windows Mail, Messenger, Address Book, Photo Gallery, and Movie Maker are deprecated in Windows 7.
  • National Language Support changes   The National Language Support (NLS) functions help applications support the different language-specific and locale-specific needs of users. Windows 7 includes some NLS changes.
  • Internet Explorer 8 user agent string   The user agent string is the Internet Explorer® identifier that provides data about its version and other attributes to Web servers. Many Web applications rely on the Internet Explorer user agent string.
  • Removal of Windows registry reflection for 64-bit operating systems   The registry reflection process copies registry keys and values between two registry views to keep them in sync.
  • New low-level binaries   To improve engineering efficiencies, Microsoft has relocated some functionality to new low-level binaries.
  • File library replaces document folder   Libraries provide a centralized folder for file storage, search, and access across multiple locations, both local and remote.
  • User interface high DPI awareness   The goal is to encourage end users to set their displays to native resolution and to use DPI rather than screen resolution to change the size of text and images.
  • Internet Explorer 8 DEP/NX   Internet Explorer 8 enables DEP/NX protection when run on an OS with the latest service pack.

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

There are many changes in how PCs have been configured (applets, hardware support, driver model, and so on), and a clean installation yields the highest quality. The User State Migration Tool provides support for moving files and settings, but you must reinstall applications. For a set of customers this tradeoff may seem less than perfect, but the upfront time is well worth it. For more information about this topic, read the blog Engineering Windows 7: Delivering a quality upgrade experience. For more information about how to migrate data from Windows XP to Windows 7, see Step-by-Step: Windows 7 Upgrade and Migration.

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

Why is upgrade from Windows XP® to Windows 7 not supported?

There are many changes in how PCs have been configured (applets, hardware support, driver model, and so on), and a clean installation yields the highest quality. The User State Migration Tool provides support for moving files and settings, but you must reinstall applications. For a set of customers this tradeoff may seem less than perfect, but the upfront time is well worth it. For more information about this topic, read the blog Engineering Windows 7: Delivering a quality upgrade experience. For more information about how to migrate data from Windows XP to Windows 7, see Step-by-Step: Windows 7 Upgrade and Migration.

Which tools are available to help with my Windows 7 deployment project?

Which tools are available to help with my Windows 7 deployment project?

The following are some of the predeployment and deployment tools that help you automate common project-related tasks:

Which tools are available to help with my Windows 7 deployment project?

Which tools are available to help with my Windows 7 deployment project?

The following are some of the predeployment and deployment tools that help you automate common project-related tasks: